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Interface: NodeProps<Data, CustomEvents, Type> ​

these props are passed to node components

Type parameters ​

Typeextends string = string

Table of contents ​

Properties ​

Properties ​

connectable ​

• connectable: HandleConnectable

can node handles be connected, you need to forward this to your handles for this prop to have any effect

data ​

• data: Data

additional data of node

dimensions ​

• dimensions: Dimensions

dom element dimensions (width, height)

dragHandle ​

• Optional dragHandle: string

drag handle query selector

dragging ​

• dragging: boolean

is node currently dragging

events ​

• events: NodeEventsOn<CustomEvents>


  • will be removed in next major release contextual and custom events of node

id ​

• id: string

unique node id

isValidSourcePos ​

• Optional isValidSourcePos: ValidConnectionFunc


will be removed in next major release called when used as source for new connection

isValidTargetPos ​

• Optional isValidTargetPos: ValidConnectionFunc


will be removed in next major release called when used as target for new connection

label ​

• Optional label: string | object | VNode<RendererNode, RendererElement, { [key: string]: any; }> | Component


  • will be removed in next major release and replaced with { data: { label: string | VNode | Component } } node label, either pass a string or a VNode For example like this: h('div', props, children)) Object is just a type-hack for Vue, ignore that

parent ​

• Optional parent: string


  • will be removed in next major release. Use parentNodeId instead parent node id

parentNodeId ​

• Optional parentNodeId: string

todo: rename to parentId in next major release parent node id

position ​

• position: XYPosition


  • will be removed in next major release and replaced with computedPosition node x, y (relative) position on graph

resizing ​

• resizing: boolean

is node currently resizing

selected ​

• selected: boolean

is node selected

sourcePosition ​

• Optional sourcePosition: Position

handle position

targetPosition ​

• Optional targetPosition: Position

handle position

type ​

• type: Type

node type

zIndex ​

• zIndex: number

node z-index

Released under the MIT License.